Typically Tuesdays playlist for 06/05/2023

Artist Title Album Label Link
Yu Su Futuro Yellow River Blue
Devours Hairspin Homecoming Queen
Sad China, Holly BB Ocean Girl - Holly BB Remix Summer never ends
Lido Pimienta EIN SOF, Infinito SINGLE
Program Audio: 

The Fight Against 105 Keefer


Leslie chats with Russell Chiong, president of Chinatown Today, about the fight against Beedie Living's proposed luxury condo development on 105 Keefer. Russell shares the history of the fight, reasons why 105 Keefer is not an appropriate development in Chinatown, and calls to action.



Chinatown Today: chinatown.today

Save Chinatown YVR Newsletter: https://substack.com/@savechinatownyvr

Chinatown Today's model of 105 Keefer's rezoning application: https://www.chinatown.today/2016/06/city-vancouver-revised-rezoning-application-105-keefer-street-feedback-form/

Critical need for culturally appropriate senior housing in Vancouver Chinatown by Joanne Lee-Young: https://vancouversun.com/news/critical-need-for-culturally-appropriate-seniors-housing-in-vancouver-chinatown-report

How 105 Keefer Can Be Done Right by Auston Chhor: https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2023/05/26/How-105-Keefer-Done-Right/

Chinatown Seniors Return to City Hall to Protest 105 Keefer by Christopher Cheung: https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/06/01/Chinatown-Seniors-Protest-105-Keefer/

  • Posted on: 10 June 2023
  • By: lw