
Public Service Announcements

CJSF airs public service announcements for not-for-profit community groups, organizations, and events. If you would like to submit a PSA, please send it by email to We can also process announcements submitted by mail, but email is preferable.
Be sure to include details like the name and contact information for the organization; date, time, location, and a short description of the event; service(s) provided by the organization and/or other announcements of community interest; and how long the PSA should run. If the announcement is for an ongoing service, it will automatically run for 3 months. Please send an updated announcement if you would like it to continue airing when the 3 month period ends.
Send your PSA to

Event Listings and Promotional Materials

If you would like to publicize an event, CD or book release, please contact the Arts & Entertainment Coordinator, or 604-291-5940. Please send review copies of books, as well as items for on-air giveaway and other promotional materials to the attention of
Nat Begg,
A&E Coordinator,
CJSF 90.1 FM
SUB-1420, Student Union Building
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6
...or by email to
Visit the A&E Department page for more info.

Music CD Submissions

Please send all music directly to the

Connor Ashton,
Music Coordinator,
CJSF 90.1 FM
SUB-1420, Student Union Building
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6
...or by email to
See the Music Department page for more info, including tracking times.