Speak Up! playlist for 01/29/2018

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Eva Sajoo is the lead researcher for Being Canadian: The Future of a Hyphenated Nation, a collaboration between the City of Vancouver and the Italian Cultural Centre that focuses on intercultural and civic engagement, connecting with our cultural diversity in an inclusive and proactive manner, and an interactive program of conversation designed to create practical opportunities across cultural parameters that connect and explore the context to the evolving nature of Canadian Identity. The project theme will draw upon Vancouver’s rich diversity to create intergenerational cross cultural engagements that highlight the evolving nature of multiculturalism and promotes historical understanding, reconciliation and social justice between and within groups.


Jesse and Eva have a conversation about Diversity, Canadian Identity, and the next step of Eva's research, which involves a survey listeners can complete at https://italianculturalcentre.ca/canadian-identity-survey/


More info on Being Canadian: The Future of a Hyphenated Nation:


  • Posted on: 26 January 2018
  • By: cjsfpa