Speak Up, Listen Up, Act Upon playlist for 07/03/2020

Artist Title Album Label Link
Voices Rock Medicine Rise Again
Long Island Musicians United We are the World- Qurantine Mix
Program Audio: 

Sista C hosts a roundtable discussion about the need for racialized data collection.
Do you understand #racializeddatacollection? #racebaseddata? You will hear Giovanni Hosang (Black in BC Mutual Aid); Dr John Millar (Social Determinants of Health researcher);  Amal Rana (Cambium Arts Education, and co-author of a Vancouver City Council motion addressing the need for disaggregated race-based data collection); and Shila Avissa, RSW (City of Vancouver Racial Ethno-Cultural Advisory Committeee) discussing what it is, why it is important, how it will be used, and its role in ending health care disparities.


  • Posted on: 3 July 2020
  • By: cjsfpa