The Blurred Crusade playlist for 11/27/2024

Artist Title Album Label Link
big black precious things songs about fucking
the anomalys coke head down the hole
off! slice up the pie free lsd
off! time to come free lsd
the cure warsong songs of a lost world
glove & ghost on this night dead drop
butthole surfers pepper electriclarryland
new model army the lights go out the ghost of cain
angelic upstarts i'm an upstart teenage warning
the clash career opportunities the clash
social outcasts beneath the sleeping city beneath the sleeping city - volume one
amyl & the sniffers security comfort to me
doa the enemy (demo) 1978
chronic fatigue danger zone single
the smiths a rush & a push & the land is ours strangeways, here we come
the church film priest=aura
Program Audio: 

The Blurred Crusade - Episode #106

(the best in punk & post-punk)


  • Posted on: 27 November 2024
  • By: todd09