The World of Tone playlist for 07/14/2017
Artist | Title | Album | Label | Link |
On Fogo Island, we met Zita Cobb, who is the founder of the Shorefast organization, which consists of the Fogo Island Inn, the Fogo Island furniture store, and also the Fogo arts studios. Her initiative is to bring back economy to the islands so that they can survive and thrive. The population at Fogo Island has dwindled down to three thousand in the last few years due to lack of economy and opportunities for them to thrive. This organization helps to preserve the culture of the island and helps bring business and raise the economy so residents can continue to survive, and hopefully build a future for the young people to stay there and have work, rather than having them move away. It was very interesting to visit the Inn. Everything in the Inn is built and run by locals and the furniture was built by locals. They offered us a lot of great local food, showed us a good time, and promoted their social business and how it’s important to preserve their culture.