The Vancouver Mixtape playlist for 07/28/2019

Artist Title Album Label Link
Sigh Dusty Rose Images Independent
The Wind Whistles Turtles Animals Are People Too Independent
Bad Fate Brain Enthusiast Olympic City Radical Clatter
Mansion Music Supermoon Mansion Music Radical Clatter
Bad Fate Lung Lung Broadway to Boundary
Greenbelt Collective Nanook Our Homes Needs More Ram
Collapsing Opposites Non-Profit Volunteer Band Real Moving Radical Clatter
YEP REM Sport Independent
So You Think You Can Sleep? police (fuck the) Rock n Roll Nightmare... of Capitalism! Radical Clatter
Sightlines Beleaguered Summer Alarum Records
Cascadia Summer of 2009, with stereos on the backs of our bikes Glue Independent
Cascadia Templeton Pool (Six Up) Conditionally Green Burrito / Student Loan
Pedagogues Endless Bliss Exit Valve Radical Clatter
PUPS PEI PUPS Green Burrito
Program Audio: 

Jesse replays an archival mini-doc about legendary local band Bad Fate


  • Posted on: 1 August 2019
  • By: cjsfpa