Typically Tuesdays playlist for 08/12/2024

Artist Title Album Label Link
Jackie Shane Sticks And Stones Any Other Way / Sticks And Stones
Charlotte Day Wilson I Don't Love You Cyan Blue
Ruby Waters Droppin Out What's The Point
The Muslims Live Laugh Lead Fuck These Fuckin Fascists
Program Audio: 

Typically Tuesdays' Actual Pride Special Episode 2024!

Leslie discusses the political origins of Pride, the history of the gay liberation (now known as the queer liberation) movement, the commercial of Pride, and the resistance of 2SLGBTQ+ in the face of assimilation.



Black Lives Matter leads alternative Pride march in Vancouver (CBC News, 2017): https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/black-lives-matter-vancouver-march-on-pride-1.4177636

Making Gay History podcast (2019). Season 5 on Stonewall 50: https://makinggayhistory.org/season-five/

Making Gay History podcast (2019). Season 5. Episode 3: https://makinggayhistory.org/podcast/stonewall-50-episode-3-say-it-loud-gay-proud/

Queer As Fact  podcast (2019). Episode on Stonewall: https://queerasfact.podbean.com/e/stonewall-1559352775/

The Queer/Gay Assimilationist Split: The Suits vs. the Sluts (Shepard, 2001). Montly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine: https://monthlyreview.org/2001/05/01/the-queergay-assimilationist-split/

This Pride Season Say "No" to Genocide and Pinkwashing (2024). Seeds - Jewish Anti-Zionist Network: https://www.instagram.com/seeds.jazn/p/C-L1L8pSdDL/?img_index=1

Update on Vancouver Pride Society (VPS) From QC4P & QUAIA (2024). Queer Collective for Palestine Vancouver. Queers Against israeli Apartheid.: https://www.instagram.com/qc4pvancouver/p/C-QP-PdPKvd/?img_index=1

Vancouver Pride apologizes for not banning police from its parades sooner (Vikander, 2021): https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-pride-apologizes-for-not-banning-police-from-its-parades-sooner-1.5385917

Various posts from @lgbt_history: https://www.instagram.com/lgbt_history/?hl=en

  • Posted on: 18 August 2024
  • By: lw