Speak Up, Listen Up, Act Upon playlist for 11/19/2021
Artist | Title | Album | Label | Link |
Another episode of the Powered By Age Podcast:
S3 E31 – Introducing the STAR Institute
Host, Charlotte Ferrell Introduces special guests Andrew Sixsmith and Hannah Shin of SFU’s STAR Institute who describe the community-based research they are conducting with the 411 Seniors’ Centre on the digital divide and accessible technology. They highlight the value of having a researcher onsite, assisting 411 Center volunteers with the arduous task of helping seniors install the Covid-19 vaccination QR code on their phones, and documenting other priority issues.
We discuss issues around the Provincial government roll out of the Covid-19 vaccination card, and the importance of providing immediate feedback to governmental and business entities that seniors (and others) need alternative-non digital ways of receiving vital information.
Information on the STAR Institute can be found at https://www.sfu.ca/starinstitute.html
Information on the Institute’s study on the BC vaccine card rollout is here: http://www.sfu.ca/starinstitute/about/institute-activities/responding-to-the-bc-vaccine-card-rollout.html
For a printed copy of the survey or to share questions and concerns, contact Hannah Shin by email hannah_shin@sfu.ca or by phone her at 250-580-3719.
Charlotte encouraged listeners to visit the 411 Seniors Centre Society, which serves all BC seniors, at 333 Terminal Avenue. Phone (604) 684-817l for an appointment to use the computer resource centre or for assistance on immigration, income tax, housing and other services.