Open Mic playlist for 05/27/2020

Artist Title Album Label Link
Brooch Anyone Brooch
Cantor Dust Sick Too Many Stars
New Fries Ploce Is The Idea Of Us
Nutrients Hide & Seek Nutrients
Laila Biau Sugar Out of Dust
Frazy Ford Done Indian Ocean
Cory Weeds Quartet Nobody Else But Me Day By Day
Bif Naked Jim Champion
JFDR Think Too Fast New Dreams
Clea Vincent Du Sang Sur Les Congos Tropi-Cleaz
Kele Fleming Compassion Machine The Song I'll Write for My Whole Life
Kele Fleming Vanishing of Bees Vanishing of Bees
Stone Poets The Great Divide Smoke and Mirrors
Preston & Fletcher Emperor's Clothes Emperor's Clothes
Program Audio: 

Jumbalaya with DJ Medy and special guest:  Kele Fleming Due to crazy static on air, Kele's first song had to stop part ways to reboot the system.  But Magnus saved the rest of the show and it was smooth sailing from there.We played her second song pick as well as other local Vancouver bands that she had plans to perform with before the Covid.

  • Posted on: 7 April 2022
  • By: anik