The Blurred Crusade playlist for 07/20/2022

Artist Title Album Label Link
snapcase exile etiquette end transmission
shame harsh degrees drunk tank pink
fontaines dc skinty fia skinty fia
joy division no love lost an ideal for living
love & rockets no new tale to tell earth, sun, moon
moat black & white poison stream
cleaners from venus dolly birds & spies single
super distorter wild one commodore janitor
anchoress hydrodynamic stay positive
sex pistols submission never mind the bollocks
social outcasts the corporation beneath the sleeping city
river city rebels the system racism, religion & war
jersey all rise definition
shit talkers eastvan single
the ramones beat on the brat the ramones
cluster lizard and those burning tears... prophecy
Program Audio: 

The Blurred Crusade (the best in punk & post-punk)

  • Posted on: 7 August 2022
  • By: todd09