Speak Up, Listen Up, Act Upon playlist for 10/02/2020
Artist | Title | Album | Label | Link |
Sista C shares another PBA podcast - this one recording of a live broadcast for 2 Anniversaries: First, the 30th anniversary of the UN International Year of the Older Person with special guests; and then to recognize the Powered by Age Podcast Program’s FIRST Anniversary as a Senior-led podcast creation sponsored by the 411 Center and the City of Vancouver, we’ll hear some ways creating podcasts have affected participants’ lives.
As this party rolls on, we’ll be “rolling out” our brand new Website and “Listening Sessions” with our seniors’ savvy Stories, Poems, Interviews and News. If you haven’t already, now is a perfect time to join this inspiring, friendship-building group. You'll learn more about “remote communications” and creative ways to express your ideas and issues.